
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Celebrant is booked!

Scott and I met with the celebrant today.

We were both really pleased with the celebrants personality and the ideas he had for different ways to conduct the ceremony to make the guests feel included without any of the 'ick' factor.

Now we just need to look at the different vow options and choose what we want to say. ahhh the lovey dovey part :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

My struggles with diet and exercise

I did it! I actually got up at 5am and did the 'shred' workout. Then managed to avoid junk food all day. Even though the girls ordered Oporto for lunch .....and I love Oporto burgers!!!!!

At the end of the day, I still had plenty of energy so I went for a brisk walk at 6.30pm after dinner. God it felt good to get moving and listen to up-beat music.

But........later on, Scott wanted some dinner and since we normally have takeaway, I hadn't planned ahead and cooked anything. So, I cooked him some salmon and sweet potato scallops (I sliced the sweet potato and par-boiled it then dipped it in a batter of flour and water and deep fried it. Unfortunately, I was a wee bit hungry and couldn't help 'tasting' some of the scallops.

So, lesson learned. Make sure I have a decent enough dinner so I'm not tempted to eat crap.

Monday, November 8, 2010

New Goals, New Start

I haven't been posting because I have been eating myself silly. All the naughty foods (and drinks) that make me look the way I do.

Because of this 'binge' eating, I put off posting because I didn't want to admit that I was being a pig.

I have really struggled today to not eat crap and so far, have succeeded. But, because I drank beer last night, I woke up with a headache and haven't done any exercise today. Instead of 'starting' tomorrow, I'm continuing on as planned.

Anyway, enough weight loss talk. Besides craving junk food, I've been cleaning out the kitchen cupboards and sorting through what I can pack now,  toss or keep in the kitchen until we move. I figure that if I sort through and pack up all the crap that we don't need for now, it won't be such a big mission when we move into the townhouse next year. Also, it makes me focus on the good stuff that's happening soon ie. moving into our own townhouse!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Num Num Num

Oops, looks like I have blown my diet this week.

Caffeine seems to be the culprit. Whenever I have some it make my sugar levels drop and the junk food cravings to skyrocket.

So, starting next week (yes, yes, I know I always say that but this time I mean it) I am ditching the caffeine and getting back into the swing of getting into shape.

I'm feeling very optimistic.